The National Catholic School of Social Service

Our student body is highly diverse in religious beliefs, age, and ethnicity, further enriching the educational experience. And students are engaged both intellectually and spiritually by a challenging and rewarding synthesis of course work and field study.
Derived from the mission of The Catholic University of America, the needs of people, and the goals and values of the social work profession, the mission of the National Catholic School of Social Service is to prepare generalist and advanced practitioners, scholars and educators whose work is grounded in the social justice and charity foundation of Catholic intellectual tradition and Judeo-Christian values as well as in the tradition of a modern university that welcomes all forms of human inquiry and values.
In keeping with the social teachings and values of the Catholic Church, NCSSS embraces as its special responsibility the education of social workers who promote the dignity of all people as bio-psycho-social-spiritual beings, and who serve the Catholic community, the neighboring community, and beyond. Our goals include: advancing professional social work knowledge, values, and skills; educating students to become ethical practitioners and leaders; educating students to address the basic needs of all people with attention to the oppressed; contributing to social justice and promoting individual and societal well-being.
As part of the university, NCSSS has special responsibilities to contribute to the development of social responsibility and to be of service to the general community, the Catholic community, the nation, and the world. The school also contributes to the development of the profession in order that it may increasingly serve society in the prevention and treatment of social problems and the enhancement of social well-being.
Consistent with Catholic teachings and social work values, the National Catholic School of Social Service strives to educate its students to contribute responsibly to the fulfillment of social welfare objectives and to be of effective service to all peoples. To educate students toward these goals, we strive to be truly welcoming of all in our university community, regardless of age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ethnic or national origin, or handicapping conditions. We aim to respect and honor diverse and conflicting points of view within our community without judgment. Guided by these broad guidelines, we work to accept and honor the personal values and beliefs of all those with whom we teach, work, and learn, and those we serve through our practice.
Mission and Vision
We aspire to teach the skills and knowledge of students who embody the values of social justice, service and scholarship in all that they do.
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Earning top ratings across all categories, our academic programs and our school as a whole hold the standard for excellence high.
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