For Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate applicants to the National Catholic School of Social Service may contact the school's Office of Admission and Financial Aid for information about scholarships, grants and loans. Prospective students should request loan information and forms from the Office of Student Financial Assistance, M300 Father O'Connell Hall, Catholic University, Washington, D.C., 20064, 202-319-5307.

For Graduate Students

Scholarships, stipends, and federal loans are available for new and continuing graduate students. Admission to the university is required before financial aid is awarded.  All scholarships are awarded for tuition in fall and spring semesters only. Scholarships are applied toward tuition only and do not cover academic fees, which are the responsibility of the student. Applicants to the National Catholic School of Social Service may contact the school’s Office of Admissions  (202-319-5496) to ask questions about financial assistance.

Descriptions and Application Procedures

Catholic University of America (CUA) Scholarships

Catholic University Graduate Scholarships are awarded by NCSSS to incoming M.S.W. and Ph.D. students based on merit. Students retain the scholarship during their enrollment at NCSSS provided they remain in good academic standing (minimum GPA of 3.0).  Students requesting consideration for scholarships available through NCSSS should submit an application to the NCSSS Office of Admissions no later than March 1.  Catholic University's Graduate Scholarships may be awarded to full and part-time students. 

Please note: institutional awards (CUA and NCSSS scholarships) will be cancelled if a student is selected for a full-tuition scholarship. The University only allows awards up to the full tuition amount.  

NCSSS Scholarships

NCSSS scholarships are funded through endowments created by donors to help students earn a MSW who would not be able to afford to otherwise. Students requesting NCSSS scholarships must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( FAFSA) with the Catholic University's Office of Student Financial Assistance, since scholarships are awarded based on financial need as well as merit. Students requesting consideration for scholarships available through NCSSS should submit an application and a one-page essay and resume to the NCSSS Office of Admissions by March 1. The essay should outline the student's need, merit, and area of social work interest. Students are awarded NCSSS scholarships for one academic year only. Students may reapply for scholarship consideration in subsequent academic years provided they are in good academic standing (minimum GPA of 3.0). 

Please Note: It is the goal of NCSSS to assist as many students as possible with scholarship awards. Therefore students may receive only one type of scholarship award (Catholic University or NCSSS).



Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students (SDS)

The HRSA SDS scholarship requires financial need, as determined by your FAFSA. It also requires that you meet the definition of either an: 1) economically disadvantaged background, or 2) environmentally disadvantaged background. For further information about the scholarship, please contact the NCSSS Office of Admissions at 202-319-5496 or by email to


A'Kempis of NJ 

This organization provides for scholarships for graduate students studying in the National Catholic School of Social Service.  Recipients must be of high academic standing and from New Jersey.  In the event that no New Jersey students qualify, a scholarship may be awarded to another qualified graduate student.

Original Donor: A’Kempis of New Jersey


Barbara J. Cuban Memorial Scholarship 

This scholarship was established for Barbara J. Cuban as a 1981 graduate of the NCSSS M.S.W. program. This scholarship will be used to provide financial assistance, for valid educational expenses, to graduate students enrolled in NCSSS. The school shall select recipients based upon any combination of demonstrated academic merit and financial need. All graduate students enrolled in NCSSS shall be eligible for awards from the Fund.       

Original Donors: Larry Cuban, Janice Cuban, and Sondra Cuban


Christine Parrott Donohoe Scholarship

This scholarship provides assistance to master’s students in the National Catholic School of Social Service. All graduate students enrolled in NCSSS shall be eligible for awards. Preferences is given to students from the Archdiocese of San Francisco who agree to work for one year following graduation with the National Council of Catholic Women, Archdiocese of San Francisco. 

Original Donor: Husband of Christine Parrott Donohoe (1928) 

Subsequent Bequest: Daughter Katherine (1951)


Mary Flynn Scholarship

This scholarship provides assistance to master’s students in the National Catholic School of Social Service. 


Anna Clark Hanna Scholarship

This scholarship provides assistance to master’s students in the National Catholic School of Social Service. All graduate students enrolled in NCSSS shall be eligible for awards. Preference is given to students from the Archdiocese of San Francisco and who agree to work for one year following graduation with the National Council of Catholic Women, Archdiocese of San Francisco.
Original Donor: The National Council of Catholic Women


Willard S. Higgins III Scholarship Fund 

This scholarship fund assist master’s students in the National Catholic School of Social Services whose studies are focused on the needs of children and whose field experience centers around work with children.  Additional preference will be given to bilingual students and those students whose area of expertise is grief and loss. 

Original Donor: Dawn M. Higgins, LCSW, Ph.D., ’00, ’08


Loretta Hines Scholarship

This scholarship provides assistance to master’s students in the National Catholic School of Social Service with preference given to students from the Archdiocese of Chicago. 


Sister Frederica Horvath Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship provides assistance to students to pursue the M.S.W. at the National Catholic School of Social Service. Awards are made on merit and financial need.

Original Donor: Sisters of Social Service, Los Angeles, Calif. in honor of their foundress, Sister Frederica Horvath 


William J. Kerby Scholarship

This scholarship provides financial assistance to students in the master’s program in the National Catholic School of Social Service. 

Original Donor: William J. Kerby Foundation and Alumane of NCSSS


The Mary Virginia Merrick Scholarship 

This scholarship was established to promote the education of deserving students in the National Catholic School of Social Service. Awards are given to academically qualified students who have demonstrated financial need. Recipients are called “Mary Virginia Merrick Scholars.” Preference is given to students completing an internship with The National Christ Child Society School Counseling Program. 

Original Donor: The National Christ Child Society 

Teresa M. Molamphy Scholarship

This scholarship provides assistance to students in the master’s program in the National Catholic School of Social Service. 

Original Donor: Pittsburgh Council of Catholic Women


David N. Nurco Endowed Scholarship Fund 

This scholarship fund is merit-based and awarded to students wishing to pursue a master’s or doctoral degree in the field of social work.

Original Donor: Friends Research Institute, Inc.


Mary P. O'Flaherty Scholarship 

This scholarship provides financial assistance to students in the National Catholic School of Social Service who are working on their M.S.W.  First preference is given to residents of Connecticut who wish to attain the M.S.W. through full-time study.  Second preference is given to employees of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Hartford or Catholic Charities USA or any of its other affiliates who wish to attain the M.S.W. through full or part-time study.  Third preference is given to employees of other service-based Catholic charitable organizations who wish to attain the M.S.W. on either a full or part-time basis.  Final preference is given to students who have otherwise demonstrated a commitment to social service in the context of Catholic teaching.

Original Donor: Connecticut Council of Catholic Women


Rita F. Grady Scholarship Fund

This scholarship provides financial assistance to students in the National Catholic School of Social Service who are pursuing their M.S.W Scholarships are awarded based on merit and need. 

Original Donor: Rita F. Grady,* ‘29

Queen Isabella Foundation Scholarship 

This scholarship provides financial assistance for members of the Daughters of Isabella who are seeking a degree at the National Catholic School of Social Service.

Original Donor: Daughters of Isabella


John Mosby Russell Scholarship 

This scholarship assists undergraduate students in the National Catholic School of Social Service who have financial need.

Original Donor: John Mosby Russell Jr., ’50, ‘52


Monsignor John A. Ryan Scholarship

This scholarship provides financial assistance to students in the National Catholic School of Social Service with preference to students from the Archdiocese of St. Paul. 

Original Donor: Reverend Lawrence F. Ryan,* ‘46


Mary Gess Schrembs Scholarship

This scholarship  provides financial assistance to students in the National Catholic School of Social Service with preference to students from Archdiocese of Cleveland. 


Rebecca E. Shanley Scholarship

This scholarship provides financial assistance to students in the National Catholic School of Social Service. 

Original Donor: Gertrude Walter in memory of her aunt, Rebecca E. Shanley


Mildred Reynolds Scholarship

This scholarship is to be awarded to a graduate student from the National Catholic School of Social Service based upon demonstrated financial need and academic merit.

Original Donor: Mildred M. Reynolds, M.S.W. ‘69


NCSSS Centennial Scholarship

The purpose of the gift is to support Centennial Scholarship for Graduate study at NCSSS

Original Donor: John Mosby Russell, B.A. ‘50, M.S.W. ‘52


Fred and Eileen Ahearn Scholarship

This scholarship shall be used to support students who have an interest in working with immigrant/refugee or displaced populations.

Original Donors: Frederick L. Ahearn Jr., D.S.W., M.S.W. ‘61 and Eileen M. Ahearn*, Ph.D.


Elizabeth Timberlake Scholarship

The Timberlake Endowment Fund for NCSSS' Center for the Advancement of Children, Youth, and Families is designed to contribute to the ongoing development of the Center as a community of social work scholar-practitioner-researchers and to stimulate social work theory and practice with children, youth, and families. NCSSS faculty who are participating members of the Center are eligible for the award. The selection process is established by the NCSSS Dean and Center Director within the intent of the Fund.

Original Donor: Elizabeth M. Timberlake, Ph.D. ‘74 


Sisters Mary Vincentia Joseph and Ann Patrick Conrad Endowed Scholarship

The scholarship will be awarded with preference to students who demonstrate a commitment to use their MSW education to work for social, economic, racial, and/or environmental justice.  The scholarship will also be awarded with preference for members of the Sisters for Christian Community, and other prospective graduate students at Catholic University studying social work who demonstrate a financial need. 

Original Donors: Sisters Mary Vincentia Joseph, M.S.W. ‘58, Ph.D.’74* and Ann Patrick Conrad, Ph.D. ‘85*

  • Federal Work Study Program

    The National Catholic School of Social Service awards Community Service Federal Work Study (FWS) stipends annually through the federal work-study program for students completing their field internships. Federal and university regulations require that M.S.W. students be (1) placed in non-profit agencies, (2) involved in duties other than lobbying or partisan political activities, and (3) not receiving a stipend from the field agency. Students must demonstrate financial need in information provided in their FAFSA, submitted each year of enrollment to the Catholic University's Office of Student Financial Assistance. The amount of the stipend varies each year and is dependent on the total amount of funding the university receives from the Federal Government. Federal Work Study funds may be awarded to US citizens and permanent residents.  FWS funds are not available to international students.

  • Federal Loans

    Please see the Office of Student Financial Assistance website for information on federal loans and other sources of aid.

  • Veterans Services

    Please see Enrollment Services website for information on how VA benefits can be used at The Catholic University of America.

  • International Students

    Please see the International Student and Scholar Services website for information specific to international students.


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    We offer a range of scholarships that recognize and reward you for outstanding academic performance in high school — as well as exceptional leadership and service in your school, church and community.

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    Need-Based Financial Assistance

    Almost 90 percent of students at Catholic University receive some level of financial assistance, based on both financial need and academic potential.

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    Transfer Scholarship Opportunities

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  • Financial Aid

    Assistantships, fellowships and many other types of merit and need-based aid can help you achieve the goal of a graduate and doctoral degree.

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