The undergraduate social work curriculum is designed to prepare students for:

  • generalist social work practice, under supervision, in public welfare agencies, general and mental health hospitals, courts and probation departments, family and children services agencies, neighborhood and community action agencies, and other settings;
  • graduate social work education;
  • leadership roles in community efforts in social welfare.


Undergraduate social work majors complete two field internships. In the junior year, students participate in a 96 hour internship, completing eight hours of field each week. B.S.W. seniors complete a two semester, 16 hour per week internship designed to develop the knowledge and skills comprising professional social work practice.
  • B.S.W. Course Work

    The B.S.W. at the National Catholic School of Social Service provides you with the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills that you need for generalist social work practice. You take 14 social service courses over the four years at Catholic University.

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  • Course Descriptions

    Find out which classes are offered for the Bachelor of Social Work.

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Student Talking

Undergraduate Admission

Learn about the admission requirements and process.

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"Social work is more than just a major, it is a culture and a way of looking at the world. When I first became a social work major, I knew very little about the profession, but as I have learned more, I see that it is nothing short of an organized, professional way of bringing about positive change in the world through respecting the dignity and worth of each person. Social work is unique because it is the only profession whose end goal is to make itself unnecessary."
– Dan (recent alumnus)

Field Education

Partnering with over 450 agencies — the National Catholic School of Social Service gives you countless opportunities to put your knowledge and values into action and gain experience through our field education program.