Eileen Dombo, PhD, LICSW, began her teaching with NCSSS in 2000 as an adjunct professor and as a Visiting Assistant Professor in 2006. She has over 15 years experience in trauma treatment and services to sexual abuse survivors as a direct service practitioner, supervisor, and clinical director. She has provided numerous clinical trainings to prepare clinical social workers for the individual, couples and group treatment with survivors of sexual trauma. In addition, she has worked with many organizations to address issues of vicarious trauma and burn-out in social workers.
At NCSSS she teaches master's level courses in diversity in a multicultural environment, human behavior in the social environment, human development and psychopathology, advanced clinical seminar, and a one-credit course in the DSM-IV-TR. In addition, she teaches a one-credit course in Feminist Theory which she developed with Dr. Elizabeth Smith.
Dr. Dombo's research interests are in testing clinical models of practice; exploring effective therapeutic intervention techniques for social workers in trauma treatment; and exploring the links between trauma work and vicarious trauma. She is the former Clinical Director of the DC Rape Crisis Center in Washington, D.C. In that role she supervised six staff members and numerous volunteers, she conducted evidence-based practice research, coordinated data management, and managed six federal grants. She is licensed as an Independent Clinical Social Worker in Washington, D.C.
Moving Beyond Assessment
Moving Beyond Assessment. A practical guide for beginning helping professionals (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016).
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Recent Publications
Barclay, D. A., Rider, M. A., & Dombo, E. A. (2012). "Spirituality, religion, and mental health among deaf and hard of hearing people: A review of the literature." JADARA, 46(1), 399-415.
Barclay, D. A., Dombo, E. A., & Kobel, I. H. (2012). "An ecological approach to spirituality and mental health among deaf and hard of hearing people." Kamenetz-Podolsk National University of Ivan Ohienko Social -Pedagogical Series 21(2), 296-311.
Dombo, E.A., & Ahearn, F. L. (2013). "Displaced people." The Encyclopedia of Social Work.
Dombo, E.A. & Bass, A. P. (2014). "The trials and tribulations of a practitioner-researcher: Challenges and lessons learned through testing a Feminist-Cognitive-Relational Social Work Model of practice." Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 11(1/2), 43-57.