Last year, NCSSS alumnus and current President and CEO of the National Council for Adoption and NCSSS Adjunct professor Ryan Hanlon '18, reached out to two NCSSS professors with a question: “Can we tally the total number of private domestic adoptions in the United States?” Currently, the collection of data on private domestic adoption is obtuse. No federal agency tracks state-level data on private adoptions, and many states do not report on such data. This has led to inconsistencies in reports on American adoption and leaves scholars and policymakers in the dark. NCSSS’s own Dr. Eun Koh, Dr. Laura Daughtery, and Dr. Ryan Hanlon, along with the assistance of Abigail Linder of the National Council for Adoption set out to research adoption data for all 50 American states for the years 2019 and 2020. The result was the National Council for Adoption 2022 report Adoption by the numbers.
The Department of National Catholic Social Service would like to offer our congratulations to Dr. Koh, Dr. Daughtery, and Dr. Hanlon on such an informative and needed report.
You can read the full report here.