The Community, Administration and Policy Practice (CAPP) Concentration prepares social work students to contribute to domestic and international initiatives designed to bring about a more equitable and just world through structural change at organizational, community, and societal levels. The location of NCSSS in the nation's capital is ideal for students looking for opportunities to pursue social change at the local, national, and international levels.

Becoming Agents of Change
In the U.S. and abroad, disparities in income, educational achievement, health status, and other indicators of social and economic well-being are more apparent every day. The CAPP Concentration prepares students for professional roles to address these challenges by imparting knowledge and skills in a variety of areas including: organizing and empowering community residents for change; analyzing and advocating for social policies; raising awareness about social injustices; directing and evaluating programs; engaging in social and organizational planning; and staffing and leading nonprofit and public agencies.
Philosophical Foundation
Drawing from the NASW Code of Ethics and Catholic Social Teaching, the CAPP Concentration is rooted in a notion of social justice which values the dignity and worth of the human person, the importance of human relationships, and an emphasis on the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty.
In-Depth Advanced Education
The foundation year curriculum gives students a solid grounding in theories of human behavior and development, social welfare policy, diversity, and generalist social work practice. The advanced year curriculum enables students to deepen their skills in policy analysis, community organizing, international social development, social planning, nonprofit management, ethics, and research.
Degree Requirements
An M.S.W. with a Community, Administration and Policy Practice Concentration requires candidates to earn 30 credits in the Foundation Curriculum and 30 Credits in the Advanced Curriculum. Students also do an 8-month field practicum for 16 hours per week in their generalist practice year and 20 hours per week in their advanced practice year.
Field Placements
CAPP students will learn advanced community, organizational, and policy practice skills in their advanced-year field internship. There are many settings offering such internship opportunities, including community-based non-profit agencies, local and federal government settings, congressional offices, and issue-based policy organizations.