Moving Beyond Assessment
Moving Beyond Assessment. A practical guide for beginning helping professionals (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016).
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Grady, M. D., Wike, T. L., Putzu, C., Field, S. E., Hill, J., Bellamy, J., Bledsoe, S. E., & Massey, M. (under review). Recent social work practitioners’ understanding and use of evidence-based practice and empirically supported treatments. Journal of Social Work Education.
Levenson, J. S., & Grady, M. D. (under review). The influence of childhood trauma on sexual violence and sexual deviance. Traumatology.
Levenson, J. S., & Grady, M. D. (revise and resubmit under review). Substance abuse, violence, and childhood adversity: Implications for trauma-informed social work practice. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions.
Grady, M. D., Levenson, J. S., & Bolder, T. (revise and resubmit under review). Linking adverse childhood effects and attachment: A theory of etiology for sexual offending. Trauma and Violence.
Grady, M. D., Swett, L, & Shields, J. J. (revise and resubmit under review). The relationship between attachment styles and emotion regulation in sexual offenders. Victims and Offenders.
Grady, M. D., Hurt, C., Cronin, K., Bolder, T., & Vidrine, S. (in press). The State of the State: Childhood sexual abuse prevention efforts in North Carolina. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.
Drisko, J. W., & Grady, M. D. (2015). Evidence-based practice in social work: A contemporary perspective. Special Issue: Clinical Social Work Journal, 43, 274– 282.
Grady, M. D., Edwards, D., & Pettus-Davis, C. (2015 on line). An evaluation of an intensive sex offender treatment program for incarcerated sex offenders. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Practice. doi: 10.1177/1079063215585731
Schneider, D. A., & Grady, M. D. (2014). Conscious and unconscious use of self: An evolutionary process. Psychoanalytic Social Work. On-line release, 1-19. doi: 10.1080/15228878.2013.869177
Grady, M. D., Swett, L., & Shields, J. J. (2014). The impact of a sex offender treatment program on the attachment styles of incarcerated male sexual offenders. Journal of Sexual Aggression. doi: 10.1080/13552600.2014.894148
Grady, M. D., & Keenan, E. K. (2014). Beyond the manual: Using research and evidence in social work practice. Clinical Social Work Journal, 42, 101–106. doi: 10.1007/s10615-014-0494-1
Keenan, E. K., & Grady, M. D. (2014). From silos to scaffolding: Engaging and effective social work practice. Clinical Social Work Journal, 42, 193-204. doi: 10.1007/s10615-014-0490-5
Grady, M. D., & Drisko, J. W. (2014). Thorough clinical assessment: The hidden foundation of evidence-based practice. Families in Society, 95(1), 5-14. doi: 10.1606/1044-3894.2014.95.2
Bledsoe, S. E., Bellamy, J. L., Wike, T., Grady, M. D., Dinata, E., Killian, C. & Rosenberg, K. (2013). Agency-university partnerships for evidence-based practice: A national survey of schools of social work. Social Work Research.
Grady, M. D., Sheard-Howe, A., & Beneke, E. (2013). Increasing retention rates in sex offender treatment: Learning from expert clinicians. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 20, 171-191. doi: 10.1080/10720162.2013.786660
Grady, M. D., Edwards, D., Pettus-Davis, C., & Abramson, J. M. (2013). Does volunteering for treatment matter? Using propensity score analysis to understand the effects of volunteerism and treatment on recidivism. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Practice, 25, 319 - 346. doi: 10.1177/1079063212459085
Wike, T. L., Bledsoe, S. E., Bellamy, J., & Grady, M. D. (2013). Examining the public face of social work education: A study of training program Websites’ inclusion of evidence-based practice. Journal of Social Work Education, 49, 439-450. doi: 10.1080/10437797.2013.796791
Grady, M. D., & Cantor, M. D. (2012). Strengthening the professional selves of social workers through the lens of self-psychology. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 82, 401-417. doi: 10.1080/00377317.2012.717027
Hayes, S. W., Grady, M. D., & Brantley, H. T. (2012). Emails, statutes, and personality disorders: A contextual examination of the processes, interventions, and perspectives of parenting coordinators. Family Court Review, 50, 429-440. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-1617.2012.01458.x
Grady, M. D., & Rose, R. A. (2011). The Empathy Index: An evaluation of the psychometric properties of a new empathy measure for sex offenders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26, 3790-3814. doi: 10.1177/0886260511403755
Grady, M. D., Powers, J., Naylor, S. M., & Despard, M. (2011). Measuring the implicit program: Initial development and results of an MSW survey. Journal of Social Work Education, 47, 463-487. doi: 10.5175/JSWE.2011.200900119
Pettus-Davis, C., Grady, M. D., Cuddeback, G. S., & Scheyett, A. S. (2011). A practitioner’s guide to sampling in the age of evidence-based practice: Translation of research into practice. Clinical Social Work Journal, 39, 379-398. doi: 10.1007/s10615-011-0345-2
Grady, M. D., Brodersen, M., & Abramson, J. M. (2011). The state of psychological measures for adult sex offenders. Aggression and Violence. 16, 227–240. doi: 10.1016/j.avb.2011.03.001
Werkmeister Rozas, L., & Grady, M. D. (2011). Making room for dynamics in evidence-based practice: The role of psychodynamic theory in client centered approaches. Journal of Teaching in Social Work Education, 31, 210-223.
Nageswaran, S., Parish, S. L., Rose, R. A., & Grady, M. D. (2011). Do children with developmental disabilities and mental health conditions have greater difficulties using health services than children with physical disorders? Maternal & Child Health Journal, 15, 634-641. doi: 10.1007/s10995-010-0597-4
Grady, M. D., & Strom-Gottfried, K. (2011). No easy answers: Ethical issues in the treatment of sex offenders. Clinical Social Work Journal, 39, 18-27. doi: 10.1007/s1061s-010-0270-9
Grady, M. D. (2010). The missing link: The role of social work schools and evidence-based practice. The Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 7, 400-411. doi: 10.1080/15433711003591101
Grady, M. D., Werkmeister Rozas, L., & Bledsoe, S. E. (2010). Are curriculum decisions based on the evidence? How social work faculty members make choices in curriculum decisions. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 7, 466-480. doi: 10.1080/15433714.2010.494976
Grady, M. D., & Abramson, J. M. (2010). Has social work heeded the call? Sex offender content in MSW programs. Social Work Education, 30, 440-453. doi: 10.1080/02615479.2010.500659
Rose, R. A., Parish, S. L., Yoo, J., Grady, M. D., Powell, S. E., & Hicks-Sangster, T. K. (2010). Suppression of racial disparities for children with special health care needs among families receiving Medicaid. Social Science & Medicine, 70, 1263– 1270. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2009.12.031
Grady, M. D., & Mr. S. (2009). Gatekeeping: Perspectives from both sides of the fence. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 79, 51-64. doi: 10.1080/00377310802634616
Grady, M. D. (2009). Sex offenders part I: Theories and models of etiology, assessment and intervention. Social Work in Mental Health, 7, 353-371. doi: 10.1080/15332980802052456
Grady, M. D. (2009). Sex offenders part II: Policies that address sex offenders. Social Work in Mental Health, 7, 372-384. doi: 10.1080/15332980802052514
Grady, M. D., & Brodersen, M. (2008). In their voices: Perspectives of incarcerated sex offenders on their treatment experiences. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, 15, 320-345. doi: 10.1080/10720160802516310